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This is CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation.
CLISP is mostly CLtL1 compliant. For those who want to use CLOS, I also
provide a port of PCL. No other features of CLtL2 or dpANS CL are
currently supported.
The newest versions will always be available via anonymous ftp from
ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de [], directory /pub/lisp/clisp/.
There is a mailing list for users of CLISP. It is the proper forum for
questions about CLISP, installation problems, bug reports, application
packages etc.
For information about the list and how to subscribe it, send mail to
listserv@ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de, with the two lines
information clisp-list
in the message body.
Common Lisp CLISP
Common Lisp is
* a convential programming language and an AI language
* interactive
* a Lisp for professional use
Common Lisp programs are
* easy to test (interactive)
* easy to maintain (depending on programming style)
* portable (there is a standard for the language and the library functions)
Our Common Lisp CLISP
* needs only 1.5 MB of memory
* implements 99% of the standard
* can call your preferred editor
* is freely distributable
Common Lisp provides
* clear syntax, carefully designed semantics
* several data types: numbers, strings, arrays, lists, characters, symbols,
structures, streams etc.
* runtime typing: the programmer needn't bother about type declarations,
but he gets notified on type violations.
* many generic functions:
88 arithmetic functions for all kinds of numbers (integers, ratios,
floating point numbers, complex numbers),
44 search/filter/sort functions for lists, arrays and strings
* automatic memory management (garbage collection)
* packaging of programs into modules
* macros: every programmer can make his own language extensions
Our Common Lisp CLISP provides
* an interpreter
* a compiler which makes execution of programs 5 times faster
* all data types with unlimited size (the size need never be declared,
the size of lists and arrays may be changed dynamically)
* integers of arbitrary length, unlimited floating point number precision
* 594 library functions, 542 of them written in C
Get it via anonymous ftp from ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de [],
directory /pub/lisp/clisp/, or contact
Bruno Haible <haible@ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de>.